
本版發布日期:2022年 1月1日 
生效日期:2022年 1月1日 
1 我們如何收集個人資訊 
2 我們如何使用Cookie、Beacon、Proxy等技術 
3 我們如何存儲和保護個人資訊 
4 我們如何使用個人資訊 
5 我們如何對外提供個人資訊 
6 您如何訪問和管理自己的個人資訊 
7 對協力廠商責任的聲明 
8 未成年人隱私權特別約定 
9 本政策的適用及更新 
10 本政策中關鍵字説明 
大灣區創益區塊鏈研究中心有限公司(以下或稱“我們”)尊重並保護您的隱私。在您使用大灣區創益區塊鏈研究中心有限公司旗下公司的各項服務(例如:3060、Green Passport)時,相關服務提供方將按照大灣區創益區塊鏈研究中心有限公司隱私權政策(以下簡稱“本政策”)收集、存儲、使用及對外提供您的個人資訊。同時,我們會通過本政策向您説明,我們如何為您提供訪問、更新、管理和保護您的資訊的服務。本政策與您使用各項服務關係緊密,我們建議您仔細閲讀並理解本政策全部內容,做出您認為適當的選擇。我們努力用通俗易懂、簡明扼要的文字表達,並對本政策中與您的權益存在重大關係的條款,採用粗體字進行標注以提示您注意。 
為了遵守國家法律法規及監管規定,也為了向您提供服務及提升服務品質,相關服務提供方需要收集、存儲、使用及對外提供您的資訊。您同意相關服務提供方 按照本政策約定處理您的資訊,以便您享受優質、便捷、個性化的服務,同時更好地保護您的帳户及資金安全。 
在您使用各項服務的過程中,在以下情形中相關服務提供方需要收集您的一些資訊,用以向您提供服務、提升服務品質、保障您的帳户和資金安全以及符合國家 法律法規及監管規定: 
1、 依據法律法規及監管規定履行法定義務 
針對各項服務,相關服務提供方需要按照法律法規或監管規定履行相應的法定義務,例如:進行實名制管理、履行反洗錢職責、採取風險防範措施、投資者適當性管理。相關服務提供方會在相應的使用者服務協定當中向您説明,為了履行相應的法定義務需要收集您的哪些個人資訊。例如:當您需要使用3060或Green Passport平台服務時,為了遵守法律法規對實名制管理的要求,對您的身份進行識別,3060或Green Passport平台運營方可能會從關聯公司和協力廠商機構收集您的身份資訊、聯繫方式、帳户及認證資訊。同時,為了驗證您提供資訊的準確性和完整性,相關服務提供方會與合法留存您的資訊的國家機關、金融機構、企事業單位進行核對;如在驗證核對過程中相關服務提供方需要向前述驗證機構收集您的資訊,相關服務提供方會依照法律法規的規定要求相關驗證機構説明其個人資訊來源,並對其個人資訊來源的合法性進行確認。 
2、 為您提供服務 
為使您獲得更輕鬆的訪問體驗,您訪問我們的網站或使用各項服務時,相關服務提供方可能會通過小型資料檔案識別您的身份,這麼做可幫您省去重複輸入註冊資訊的步驟,或者説明判斷您的帳户安全狀態。這些資料檔案可能是Cookie,Flash Cookie,您的流覽器或關聯應用程式提供的其他本機存放區(以下簡稱 “Cookie”)。請您理解,某些服務只能通過使用Cookie才可得到實現。如您的流覽器或流覽器附加服務允許,您可以修改對Cookie的接受程度或者拒絕相關 Cookie。多數流覽器工具條中的“説明”部分會告訴您怎樣防止您的流覽器接受新的Cookie,怎樣讓您的流覽器在您收到一條新Cookie時通知您或者怎樣徹底關閉 Cookie。此外,您可以通過改變流覽器附加程式的設置,或通過訪問提供商的網頁,來關閉或刪除流覽器附加程式使用的類似資料(例如:Flash Cookie)。但這一舉動在某些情況下可能會影響您安全訪問我們的網站和使用相關服務。 
如您通過我們的小程式或APP,使用了由協力廠商而非我們的提供的服務時,我們無法保證這些協力廠商會按照我們的要求採取保護措施,為盡力確保您的帳號安全,使您獲得更安全的訪問體驗,我們可能會使用專用的網路通訊協定及代理技術(以下簡稱“私人網路絡通道”或“網路代理”)。使用私人網路絡通道,可以幫助您識別到我們已知的高風險網站,減少由此引起的釣魚、帳號洩露等風險,同時更有利於保障您和協力廠商的共同權益,阻止不法分子篡改您和您希望訪問的協力廠商之間正常 服務內容,例如:不安全路由器、非法基站等引起的廣告注入、非法內容篡改等。在此過程中,相關服務提供方也可能會獲得和保存關於您電腦的相關資訊,例如:IP位址、硬體ID。 
2、我們承諾我們將使資訊安全保護達到業界領先的安全水準。為保障您的資訊安全,我們致力於使用各種安全技術及配套的管理體系來儘量降低您的資訊被泄 露、毀損、誤用、非授權訪問、非授權披露和更改的風險。例如:通過網路安全層軟體(SSL)進行加密傳輸、資訊加密存儲、嚴格限制資料中心的訪問、使用 私人網路絡通道及網路代理。同時我們設立了個人資訊保護責任部門,建立了相關內控制度,對可能接觸到您的資訊的工作人員採取最小夠用授權原則;對工作人 員處理您的資訊的行為進行系統監控,不斷對工作人員培訓相關法律法規及隱私安全準則和安全意識強化宣導,並每年組織全體工作人員參加安全考試。另外,我們每年還會聘請外部獨立協力廠商對我們的資訊安全管理體系進行評估。 
3、我們已制定個人資訊安全事件應急預案,定期組織內部相關人員進行應急回應培訓和應急演練,使其掌握崗位職責和應急處置策略和規程。在不幸發生個人信 息安全事件後,相關服務提供方將按照法律法規的要求,及時向您告知:安全事件的基本情況和可能的影響、相關服務提供方已採取或將要採取的處置措施、您可自主防範和降低風險的建議、對您的補救措施等。相關服務提供方將及時將事件相關情況以APP推送通知、發送郵件/短消息等方式告知您,難以逐一告知個人資訊主體時,相關服務提供方會採取合理、有效的方式發佈公告。同時,相關服務提供方還將按照監管部門要求,主動上報個人資訊安全事件的處置情況。若您的合法權益受損,相關服務提供方將承擔相應的法律責任。 
4、請您務必妥善保管好您的帳户登錄名及其他身份要素。您在使用各項服務時,相關服務提供方會通過您的帳户登錄名及其他身份要素來識別您的身份。一旦您 洩漏了前述資訊,您可能會蒙受損失,並可能產生對您不利的法律後果。如您發現帳户登錄名及/或其他身份要素可能或已經洩露時,請您立即和相關服務提供方取得聯繫,以便相關服務提供方及時採取相應措施以避免或降低相關損失。 
(3)在涉及資產轉讓、收購、兼併、重組或破產清算時,如涉及到個人資訊轉讓,我們會向您告知有關情況,並要求新的持有您個人資訊的公司、組織繼續受本 政策的約束。如變更個人資訊使用目的時,我們將要求該公司、組織重新取得您的明確同意。 
除在公佈中獎活動名單時會脱敏展示中獎者手機號或帳户登錄名外,原則上相關服務提供方不會將您的資訊進行公開披露。如確需公開披露時,相關服務提供方 會向您告知公開披露的目的、披露資訊的類型及可能涉及的敏感資訊,並徵得您的明確同意。 
為了提升資訊處理效率,降低資訊處理成本,或提高資訊處理準確性,相關服務提供方可能會委託有能力的關聯公司或其他專業機構代表相關服務提供方來處理 使用者資訊,但相關服務提供方會通過書面協定、現場審計等方式要求受託公司遵守嚴格的保密義務及採取有效的保密措施,禁止其將這些資訊用於未經您授權的 用途。在委託關係解除時,受託公司不再保存個人資訊。相關服務提供方承諾對此負責。 

1、我們將採取適當的技術手段,保障您可以訪問、更新和更正您的個人資訊。您可以根據頁面提示自助操作,也可以聯繫相應的客服熱線或通過線上客服聯繫我 們。 
2、當您符合約定的帳户註銷條件並登出某項服務相關帳户後,您該帳户內的所有資訊將被清空,相關服務提供方將不會再收集、使用或對外提供與該帳户相關的 個人資訊,但相關服務提供方仍需按照監管要求的時間保存您在使用服務期間提供或產生的資訊,且在該依法保存的時間內有權機關仍有權依法查詢。 

請您注意,您的交易相對方、您訪問的協力廠商網站經營者、通過我們接入的協力廠商服務(例如:我們的APP中協力廠商提供的應用)和通過我們接收您的個人資訊 的協力廠商可能有自己的隱私權保護政策;當您查看協力廠商創建的網頁或使用協力廠商開發的應用程式時,這些協力廠商可能會放置他們自己的Cookie或圖元標籤,這 些Cookie或圖元標籤不受我們的控制,且它們的使用不受本政策的約束。我們會盡商業上的合理努力去要求這些主體對您的個人資訊採取保護措施,但我們無法保證這些主體一定會按照我們的要求採取保護措施,請您與他們直接聯繫以獲得關於他們的隱私權政策的詳細情況。如您發現這些協力廠商創建的網頁或協力廠商開發的應用程式存在風險時,建議您終止相關操作以保護您的合法權益。 
2、如您為未成年人,建議請您的父母或監護人閲讀本政策,並在徵得您父母或監護人同意的前提下使用各項服務或提供您的資訊。對於經父母或監護人同意而收 集您的資訊的情況,相關服務提供方只會在受到法律允許、父母或監護人明確同意或者保護您的權益所必要的情況下使用或公開披露此資訊。如您的監護人不同 意您按照本政策使用服務或提供資訊,請您立即終止使用服務並及時通知相關服務提供方,以便相關服務提供方採取相應的措施。 

Green Passport隐私权政策 
本版发布尔日期:2022年 1月1日 
生效日期:2022年 1月1日 
1 我们如何收集个人信息 
2 我们如何使用Cookie、Beacon、Proxy等技术 
3 我们如何存储和保护个人信息 
4 我们如何使用个人信息 
5 我们如何对外提供个人信息 
6 您如何访问和管理自己的个人信息 
7 对第三方责任的声明 
8 未成年人隐私权特别约定 
9 本政策的适用及更新 
10 本政策中关键词说明 
大湾区创益区块链研究中心有限公司(以下或称“我们”)尊重并保护您的隐私。在您使用大湾区创益区块链研究中心有限公司旗下公司的各项服务(例如:3060、Green Passport)时,相关服务提供方将按照大湾区创益区块链研究中心有限公司隐私权政策(以下简称“本政策”)收集、存储、使用及对外提供您的个人信息。同时,我们会通过本政策向您说明,我们如何为您提供访问、更新、管理和保护您的信息的服务。本政策与您使用各项服务关系紧密,我们建议您仔细阅读并理解本政策全部内容,做出您认为适当的选择。我们努力用通俗易懂、简明扼要的文字表达,并对本政策中与您的权益存在重大关系的条款,采用粗体字进行标注以提示您注意。 
为了遵守国家法律法规及监管规定,也为了向您提供服务及提升服务质量,相关服务提供方需要收集、存储、使用及对外提供您的信息。您同意相关服务提供方 按照本政策约定处理您的信息,以便您享受优质、便捷、个性化的服务,同时更好地保护您的账户及资金安全。 
在您使用各项服务的过程中,在以下情形中相关服务提供方需要收集您的一些信息,用以向您提供服务、提升服务质量、保障您的账户和资金安全以及符合国家 法律法规及监管规定: 
1、 依据法律法规及监管规定履行法定义务 
针对各项服务,相关服务提供方需要按照法律法规或监管规定履行相应的法定义务,例如:进行实名制管理、履行反洗钱职责、采取风险防范措施、投资者适当性管理。相关服务提供方会在相应的用户服务协议当中向您说明,为了履行相应的法定义务需要收集您的哪些个人信息。例如:当您需要使用3060或Green Passport平台服务时,为了遵守法律法规对实名制管理的要求,对您的身份进行识别,3060或Green Passport平台运营方可能会从关联公司和第三方机构收集您的身份信息、联系方式、账户及认证信息。同时,为了验证您提供信息的准确性和完整性,相关服务提供方会与合法留存您的信息的国家机关、金融机构、企事业单位进行核对;如在验证核对过程中相关服务提供方需要向前述验证机构收集您的信息,相关服务提供方会依照法律法规的规定要求相关验证机构说明其个人信息来源,并对其个人信息来源的合法性进行确认。 
2、 为您提供服务 
为使您获得更轻松的访问体验,您访问我们的网站或使用各项服务时,相关服务提供方可能会通过小型数据文件识别您的身份,这么做可帮您省去重复输入注册信息的步骤,或者帮助判断您的账户安全状态。这些数据文件可能是Cookie,Flash Cookie,您的浏览器或关联应用程序提供的其他本地存储(以下简称 “Cookie”)。请您理解,某些服务只能通过使用Cookie才可得到实现。如您的浏览器或浏览器附加服务允许,您可以修改对Cookie的接受程度或者拒绝相关 Cookie。多数浏览器工具条中的“帮助”部分会告诉您怎样防止您的浏览器接受新的Cookie,怎样让您的浏览器在您收到一条新Cookie时通知您或者怎样彻底关闭 Cookie。此外,您可以通过改变浏览器附加程序的设置,或通过访问提供商的网页,来关闭或删除浏览器附加程序使用的类似数据(例如:Flash Cookie)。但这一举动在某些情况下可能会影响您安全访问我们的网站和使用相关服务。 
如您通过我们的小程序或APP,使用了由第三方而非我们的提供的服务时,我们无法保证这些第三方会按照我们的要求采取保护措施,为尽力确保您的账号安全,使您获得更安全的访问体验,我们可能会使用专用的网络协议及代理技术(以下简称“专用网络通道”或“网络代理”)。使用专用网络通道,可以帮助您识别到我们已知的高风险站点,减少由此引起的钓鱼、账号泄露等风险,同时更有利于保障您和第三方的共同权益,阻止不法分子篡改您和您希望访问的第三方之间正常 服务内容,例如:不安全路由器、非法基站等引起的广告注入、非法内容篡改等。在此过程中,相关服务提供方也可能会获得和保存关于您计算机的相关信息,例如:IP地址、硬件ID。 
2、我们承诺我们将使信息安全保护达到业界领先的安全水平。为保障您的信息安全,我们致力于使用各种安全技术及配套的管理体系来尽量降低您的信息被泄 露、毁损、误用、非授权访问、非授权披露和更改的风险。例如:通过网络安全层软件(SSL)进行加密传输、信息加密存储、严格限制数据中心的访问、使用 专用网络信道及网络代理。同时我们设立了个人信息保护责任部门,建立了相关内控制度,对可能接触到您的信息的工作人员采取最小够用授权原则;对工作人 员处理您的信息的行为进行系统监控,不断对工作人员培训相关法律法规及隐私安全准则和安全意识强化宣导,并每年组织全体工作人员参加安全考试。另外,我们每年还会聘请外部独立第三方对我们的信息安全管理体系进行评估。 
3、我们已制定个人信息安全事件应急预案,定期组织内部相关人员进行应急响应培训和应急演练,使其掌握岗位职责和应急处置策略和规程。在不幸发生个人信 息安全事件后,相关服务提供方将按照法律法规的要求,及时向您告知:安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、相关服务提供方已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范和降低风险的建议、对您的补救措施等。相关服务提供方将及时将事件相关情况以APP推送通知、发送邮件/短消息等方式告知您,难以逐一告知个人信息主体时,相关服务提供方会采取合理、有效的方式发布公告。同时,相关服务提供方还将按照监管部门要求,主动上报个人信息安全事件的处置情况。若您的合法权益受损,相关服务提供方将承担相应的法律责任。 
4、请您务必妥善保管好您的账户登录名及其他身份要素。您在使用各项服务时,相关服务提供方会通过您的账户登录名及其他身份要素来识别您的身份。一旦您 泄漏了前述信息,您可能会蒙受损失,并可能产生对您不利的法律后果。如您发现账户登录名及/或其他身份要素可能或已经泄露时,请您立即和相关服务提供方取得联系,以便相关服务提供方及时采取相应措施以避免或降低相关损失。 
(3)在涉及资产转让、收购、兼并、重组或破产清算时,如涉及到个人信息转让,我们会向您告知有关情况,并要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受本 政策的约束。如变更个人信息使用目的时,我们将要求该公司、组织重新取得您的明确同意。 
除在公布中奖活动名单时会脱敏展示中奖者手机号或账户登录名外,原则上相关服务提供方不会将您的信息进行公开披露。如确需公开披露时,相关服务提供方 会向您告知公开披露的目的、披露信息的类型及可能涉及的敏感信息,并征得您的明确同意。 
为了提升信息处理效率,降低信息处理成本,或提高信息处理准确性,相关服务提供方可能会委托有能力的关联公司或其他专业机构代表相关服务提供方来处理 用户信息,但相关服务提供方会通过书面协议、现场审计等方式要求受托公司遵守严格的保密义务及采取有效的保密措施,禁止其将这些信息用于未经您授权的 用途。在委托关系解除时,受托公司不再保存个人信息。相关服务提供方承诺对此负责。 

1、我们将采取适当的技术手段,保障您可以访问、更新和更正您的个人信息。您可以根据页面提示自助操作,也可以联系相应的客服热线或通过在线客服联系我 们。 
2、当您符合约定的账户注销条件并注销某项服务相关账户后,您该账户内的所有信息将被清空,相关服务提供方将不会再收集、使用或对外提供与该账户相关的 个人信息,但相关服务提供方仍需按照监管要求的时间保存您在使用服务期间提供或产生的信息,且在该依法保存的时间内有权机关仍有权依法查询。 

请您注意,您的交易相对方、您访问的第三方网站经营者、通过我们接入的第三方服务(例如:我们的APP中第三方提供的应用)和通过我们接收您的个人信息 的第三方可能有自己的隐私权保护政策;当您查看第三方创建的网页或使用第三方开发的应用程序时,这些第三方可能会放置他们自己的Cookie或像素标签,这 些Cookie或像素标签不受我们的控制,且它们的使用不受本政策的约束。我们会尽商业上的合理努力去要求这些主体对您的个人信息采取保护措施,但我们无法保证这些主体一定会按照我们的要求采取保护措施,请您与他们直接联系以获得关于他们的隐私权政策的详细情况。如您发现这些第三方创建的网页或第三方开发的应用程序存在风险时,建议您终止相关操作以保护您的合法权益。 
2、如您为未成年人,建议请您的父母或监护人阅读本政策,并在征得您父母或监护人同意的前提下使用各项服务或提供您的信息。对于经父母或监护人同意而收 集您的信息的情况,相关服务提供方只会在受到法律允许、父母或监护人明确同意或者保护您的权益所必要的情况下使用或公开披露此信息。如您的监护人不同 意您按照本政策使用服务或提供信息,请您立即终止使用服务并及时通知相关服务提供方,以便相关服务提供方采取相应的措施。 
Green Passport Privacy Policy

Release date of this version: January 1, 2022
Effective date: January 1, 2022

This policy will explain that you understand the following:
1 How do we collect personal information
2 How do we use Cookies, Beacon, Proxy and other technologies
3 How do we store and protect personal information
4 How we use personal information
5 How do we provide personal information externally
6 How do you access and manage your personal information
7 Statement of Responsibilities of Third-Party Manufacturers
8 Special Agreement on Minors' Privacy Rights
9 Application and update of this policy
10 Description of keywords in this policy

Greater Bay Area Treelion Blockchain Research Institute Limited (hereinafter referred to as "we") respects and protects your privacy. When you use the services of Greater Bay Area Treelion Blockchain Research Institute Limited (for example: 3060, Green Passport), the relevant service provider will follow the Greater Bay Area Treelion Blockchain Research Institute Limited Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy”) Collect, store, use and provide your personal information to the outside world. At the same time, we will explain to you through this policy how we can provide you with services to access, update, manage and protect your information. This policy is closely related to your use of various services. We recommend that you carefully read and understand the entire content of this policy, and make the choices you think are appropriate. We strive to use easy-to-understand and concise text to express, and use bold fonts to mark the terms in this policy that have a significant relationship with your rights and interests to remind you of your attention.
In order to comply with national laws, regulations and regulatory requirements, and to provide you with services and improve service quality, relevant service providers need to collect, store, use and provide your information to the outside world. You agree that the relevant service provider will process your information in accordance with this policy, so that you can enjoy high-quality, convenient, and personalized services, and at the same time better protect the security of your account and funds.
How we collect personal information
In the course of your use of various services, in the following situations, the relevant service provider needs to collect some of your information to provide you with services, improve service quality, protect your account and fund security, and comply with national laws, regulations and supervision Regulation:
1. Perform statutory obligations in accordance with laws, regulations and regulatory provisions
For various services, relevant service providers need to perform corresponding statutory obligations in accordance with laws, regulations or regulatory provisions, such as: real-name management, performance of anti-money laundering duties, risk prevention measures, and investor suitability management. The relevant service provider will explain to you in the corresponding user service agreement what personal information about you needs to be collected in order to fulfill the corresponding statutory obligations. For example: when you need to use 3060 or Green Passport platform services, in order to comply with the real-name management requirements of laws and regulations and identify your identity, 3060 or Green Passport platform operators may collect your information from affiliated companies and third-party organizations. Identity information, contact information, account and authentication information. At the same time, in order to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information you provide, relevant service providers will check with state agencies, financial institutions, enterprises and institutions that legally retain your information; The aforementioned verification agency collects your information, and the relevant service provider will require the relevant verification agency to explain the source of its personal information in accordance with laws and regulations, and confirm the legitimacy of the source of its personal information.
2. To provide you with services
In order to provide you with services and to make it easier for you to check your transaction status or historical records, the relevant service provider will save the necessary information submitted or generated during the course of your application or use of the service.
3. Security risk prevention
In order to improve the security of your service use and prevent your funds and personal information from being obtained by criminals, relevant service providers need to record the type of service you use, methods and related operation information, such as: device model, IP address, device software Version information, device ID, device ID, location, network usage habits, and other service-related log information. If you do not agree to provide the aforementioned information, you may not be able to complete the risk control verification.
4. In order to provide personalized service and improve service quality
To enhance your service experience and improve service quality, or to recommend better or more suitable services for you:
(1) You can choose to use the microphone device for voice input (for example: voice message, voice search), and the relevant service provider needs to collect your voice content and perform necessary processing during the use process;
(2) You can authorize the provision of your location information so that you can receive personalized service recommendations based on your location;
(3) The relevant service provider will collect the search records when you use the service, the information provided when you contact the customer service team, and the information sent when you participate in the questionnaire survey.
5. According to relevant laws, regulations and national standards, in the following situations, we may collect and use your personal information in accordance with the law without your consent:
(1) Directly related to national security and national defense security;
(2) It is directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
(3) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;
(4) In order to protect your or others' life, property and other major legal rights, but it is difficult to obtain your own consent;
(5) The personal information collected is disclosed to the public by yourself;
(6) Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, etc.;
(7) Necessary to sign and perform the contract according to your requirements;
(8) Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the provided services, for example: discovering and disposing of product or service failures;
(9) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.
How do we use cookies, beacon, proxy and other technologies
In order to make your access experience easier, when you visit our website or use various services, the relevant service provider may identify you through a small data file, which can save you the step of repeating the registration information. , Or explain to determine the security status of your account. These data files may be Cookies, Flash Cookies, other local storage areas provided by your browser or associated applications (hereinafter referred to as "Cookies"). Please understand that certain services can only be achieved through the use of cookies. If allowed by your browser or browser additional services, you can modify your acceptance of cookies or reject related cookies. The "Description" section of most browser toolbars will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to make your browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to completely turn off cookies. In addition, you can close or delete similar data used by the browser add-on program (for example: Flash Cookie) by changing the settings of the browser add-on program or by visiting the provider's webpage. However, this action may affect your safe access to our website and use of related services under certain circumstances.
Our website may also contain some electronic images (hereinafter referred to as "single image GIF file" or "network beacon"). The use of network beacon can indicate that the website counts the users who browse the webpage or visits certain cookies, and provides related services. Fang will collect information about your web browsing activities through the network Beacon, such as the address of the page you visited, the location of the referencing page you previously visited, your browsing environment and display settings.
If you use the services provided by third-party vendors instead of ours through our mini programs or apps, we cannot guarantee that these third-party vendors will take protective measures in accordance with our requirements, in order to try our best to ensure the security of your account, so that you get For a more secure access experience, we may use dedicated network communication protocols and proxy technology (hereinafter referred to as "private network channel" or "network proxy"). Using a private network channel can help you identify high-risk websites that we know, reduce the risks of phishing, account leakage, etc., and at the same time, it is more conducive to protecting the common rights of you and third-party vendors and preventing criminals from tampering with you Normal service content with the third-party vendor you want to access, such as: advertising injection caused by insecure routers, illegal base stations, etc., illegal content tampering, etc. During this process, relevant service providers may also obtain and save relevant information about your computer, such as IP address, hardware ID.
How do we store and protect personal information
1. The personal information we collect and generate within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored in the territory of the People's Republic of China. If some products involve cross-border business, and relevant service providers need to transmit relevant personal information collected in China to overseas institutions, the relevant service providers will implement it in accordance with laws and regulations and the provisions of relevant regulatory authorities, and it will be effective through signing agreements and on-site inspections. Measures to require foreign institutions to keep the personal information obtained from you confidential. We only store your personal information for the period necessary for the purpose described in this policy and within the time limit prescribed by laws, regulations and supervision.
2. We promise that we will make information security protection reach the industry-leading security level. In order to protect your information security, we are committed to using various security technologies and supporting management systems to minimize the risk of your information being leaked, damaged, misused, unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure and modification. For example: Encrypted transmission through network security layer software (SSL), encrypted storage of information, strict restrictions on data center access, use of private network channels and network agents. At the same time, we have established a personal information protection responsibility department, established a relevant internal control system, and adopted the principle of minimum sufficient authorization for staff who may have access to your information; systematically monitor the staff’s handling of your information, and constantly monitor the staff Relevant laws and regulations, privacy and security guidelines and security awareness are strengthened in training, and all staff are organized to participate in security exams every year. In addition, we also hire external independent third-party vendors to evaluate our information security management system every year.
3. We have formulated an emergency response plan for personal information security incidents, and regularly organize relevant internal personnel to conduct emergency response training and emergency drills to enable them to master job responsibilities and emergency response strategies and procedures. In the unfortunate event of a personal information security incident, the relevant service provider will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures that the relevant service provider has taken or will take, and you can Suggestions on self-prevention and reduction of risks, remedial measures for you, etc. Relevant service providers will promptly notify you of the incidents via APP push notifications, emails/short messages, etc. If it is difficult to inform the subjects of personal information one by one, the relevant service providers will adopt reasonable and effective methods to issue announcements. At the same time, relevant service providers will also proactively report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities. If your legal rights are damaged, the relevant service provider will bear the corresponding legal responsibility.
4. Please take good care of your account login name and other identity elements. When you use each service, the relevant service provider will identify you through your account login name and other identity elements. Once you leak the aforementioned information, you may suffer losses and may have unfavorable legal consequences for you. If you find that your account login name and/or other identity elements may or have been leaked, please contact the relevant service provider immediately so that the relevant service provider can take appropriate measures in time to avoid or reduce related losses.
5. After you terminate the use of a certain service, the relevant service provider will stop the collection and use of your information, unless otherwise provided by laws, regulations or regulatory authorities. If the relevant service provider ceases operations, the relevant service provider will promptly stop the activities of collecting your personal information, notify you of the suspension of operations in the form of one-by-one delivery or announcement, and delete or delete the personal information held by you. Anonymization.
How we use personal information
1. In order to comply with national laws, regulations and regulatory requirements, and to provide you with services and improve service quality, or to protect the security of your account and funds, relevant service providers will use your information in the following situations:
(1) To achieve the purpose stated in "How do we collect personal information" in this policy;
(2) In order to let you know the status of using the service, the relevant service provider will send you service reminders;
(3) In order to ensure the stability and security of the service, relevant service providers will use your information for identity verification, security prevention, fraud monitoring, prevention or prohibition of illegal activities, risk reduction, archiving and backup purposes;
(4) Report to relevant departments in accordance with laws, regulations or regulatory requirements;
(5) Invite you to participate in customer research related to various products or services;
(6) Perform comprehensive statistics, analysis and processing of your information in order to provide you with more accurate, personalized, smooth and convenient services, or explain the evaluation, improvement or design of products, services and operational activities. We may provide you with marketing notices, commercial electronic information, or advertisements that may be of interest to you based on the aforementioned information. If you do not want to receive such information, you can choose to unsubscribe according to the method we prompt.
2. When we want to use the information for other purposes not specified in this policy, we will ask for your consent again in the form of confirmation agreements and copy confirmation actions in specific scenarios in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations and national standards.
How do we provide personal information externally
1. Sharing
(1) Business sharing
We promise to keep your information confidential. Except as otherwise provided by laws, regulations and regulatory authorities, relevant service providers will only share your information with third-party vendors in the following circumstances. Third-party vendors include affiliated companies, cooperative financial institutions, and other partners. Before providing information to a third party, the relevant service provider will make commercially reasonable efforts to evaluate the legality, legitimacy, and necessity of the third party's collection of information. Relevant service providers will sign relevant legal documents with third-party vendors and require third-party vendors to comply with laws and regulations when handling your personal information, and try their best to require third-party vendors to take protective measures for your information.
(1) Certain products or services may be provided by third-party vendors or jointly provided by related service providers and third-party vendors. Therefore, only sharing your information can provide the products or services you need.
(2) If you choose to participate in a lottery, contest or similar promotion activities jointly organized by relevant service providers and third parties, the relevant service providers may share the information necessary for the completion of the activities generated during the activities, so that the third parties can To give you prizes or provide services to you in a timely manner, relevant service providers will, in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations or national standards, clearly inform you on the event rules page or through other channels what kind of personal information needs to be provided to third parties;
(3) With your explicit consent in advance, the relevant service provider will share your information with third-party vendors within the scope permitted by laws and regulations and does not violate public order and good customs.
(Two) vote


Green Passport是大灣區創益區塊鏈研究中心有限公司(以下簡稱“大灣區創益”或“我們”)所推出的產品。依據本協議的規定為您(以下簡稱“使用者”)提供服務。本協議在使用者和大灣區創益間具有法律效力。Green Passport通過鼓勵用户進行低碳行為,以區塊鏈技術記錄機構和個人的綠色行為﹑綠色消費﹑綠色積分及碳資產等。集環保資訊、綠色積分、活動參與、環保社區、綠色商城於一體,從衣食住行遊全方位服務使用者,宣揚綠色化生活, 達成和推進實現碳達峯及碳中和目標,數位化進行活動宣傳、捐款管道、會員管理等功能。
【審慎閲讀】您在申請註冊流程中點擊同意本協定之前,應當認真閲讀本協議。請您務必審慎閲讀、充分理解各條款內容,特別是免除或者限制責任的條款、授權條款、法律適用和爭議解決條款。免除或者限制責任的條款、授權條款將以粗體標識,您應重點閲讀。如您對本協議有任何疑問,可向Green Passport平台的客服諮詢。
【簽約動作】當您按照註冊頁面提示填寫資訊、閲讀並同意本協定且完成全部註冊程式後,即表示您已充分閲讀、理解並接受本協定的全部內容,並與大灣區創益達成一致,同意開通Green Passport以及接受本須知的約定內容並成為Green Passport的註冊用户。閲讀本協議的過程中,如果您不同意本協議或其中任何條款約定,您應立即停止註冊程式。


一、Green Passport平台使用限制説明
1. 用户必須為符合中華人民共和國法律規定的、具有完全民事權利和民事行為能力,能夠獨立承擔民事責任的自然人。若用户違反前述限制註冊使用大灣區創益提供的服務,其所獲得的碳減排量、積分和獎勵等全部無效,Green Passport平台有權無償收回;由此給平台造成損失或不良影響的,由其監護人承擔所有責任。
2. 使用者有義務確保其資訊的真實性、準確性、完整性和有效性,並承諾對其提供的資訊及時進行更新。您可以在Green Passport平台中瞭解到可以獲得積分的途徑。請您理解,積分無法轉讓或繼承。若您存在購買或出售積分服務,通過虛假綠色出行、虛假交易等違反誠信的方式獲取積分,存在將Green Passport產品或服務用於其他商業用途的不當行為,或經判斷有合理理由認定使用者資訊存在錯誤、虛假、過時情形的,大灣區創益有權終止用户參與活動的行為或重新核算用户可以獲得的碳減排量、積分、獎勵等,同時還可能對您採取限制或禁止使用Green Passport全部或部分服務等處理措施;由此給用户造成損失的,大灣區創益不承擔任何責任。

為不斷豐富您的使用體驗,大灣區創益將不時推出定製化服務。您可以自主選擇是否使用前述服務,當您使用相應的服務時,請遵循相關服務規則(如:我們可能需要獲取您的步數及定位,以便您可兑換活動權益,具體請以相關頁面提示為準)。請您理解,前述定製化服務可能是Green Passport與協力廠商合作向您提供,因此相關功能可能與Green Passport相關功能存在一定差異,具體請您查閲相應的服務規則。此外,針對前述定製化服務的某些功能入口、環保證書與地圖等內容可能暫不能在用户端的Green Passport內相容展示,對此,我們將進行持續完善與更新。
為了更好地向您提供服務,便於您及時瞭解動態,Green Passport將通過小程式或APP等用户端資訊管道及相關頁面向您展示服務資訊以及發送通知資訊(如:動態提醒、統計資訊)。
為了進一步改善用户體驗,Green Passport將會持續開發新服務,為使用者提供版本升級、功能升級等服務和內容更新,本須知也可能會隨之更新,更新內容將於公佈之日起生效。若您選擇繼續使用Green Passport,表示您同意更新後的內容。若您不同意更新後的條款內容,您有權停止使用相關服務;雙方協商一致的,也可另行變更相關服務和對應條款內容。如果更新的內容涉及您的主要權利或責任,我們會以公告、用户端通知或短信等方式向您進行提示,您也可以隨時在“登錄-使用者協定”頁面查閲本須知的最新版本。

二、Green Passport平台服務內容説明
1.目前大灣區創益主要針對步行和自行車出行場景提供服務,後續將不斷開發其他綠色出行場景服務。使用者參與活動,須關注“Green Passport”服務號和使用“Green Passport APP。大灣區創益根據使用者所參加的活動業務規則以及使用者實際的綠色行為,向用户發放綠色積分,用户減排行為首期包括自行車停駛,後期大灣區創益將不斷豐富不同的減排及綠色行為。如用户在Green Passport平台發生指定的綠色行為,無需另行申請,即可自動獲得減排量、積分和獎勵。
2. 此外,您可以在“紀錄”及”我的”當中瞭解積分的項目和詳情及低碳行為所產生的碳排放量和紀錄。您理解並同意大灣區創益授權的其他主體將您的低碳行為轉化為積分,並在Green Passport上進行展示,以便您瞭解並收取您的積分。同時,您可以邀請您的好友加入Green Passport,共同改善環境。當好友成功註冊並參與Green Passport活動的情況下,你和好友將根據一定的比例獲得部分額外積分,具體請以相關頁面提示為準。
3. 使用者參與平台活動,根據所參與活動的規則,獲取綠色行為對應的積分及獎勵。
5. 大灣區創益擁有對活動規則的單方解釋和終止權。

(1) 本平台在公告之系統停機維護期間。
3. 大灣區創益不保證服務一定能滿足使用者的要求,也不保證服務不會中斷,對服務的及時性、安全性、準確性也都不作保證。大灣區創益拒絕提供任何保證,包括資訊能否準確、及時、順利地傳送。使用者理解並接受下載或通過平台產品服務取得的任何資訊資料取決於使用者自己,並由其承擔系統受損或資料丟失的所有風險和責 任。

4. 大灣區創益對直接、間接、偶然、特殊及繼起的損害不負責任。用户的任何行為引起對大灣區創益或協力廠商的損害,應當依法承擔責任並向平台進行賠償,平台可以自行或協助協力廠商使用使用者供的任何資訊進行維權。

用户在參與平台活動時,Green Passport平台可能收集並存儲使用者所提供的姓名、身份證資訊及影像、銀行卡資訊及影像、設備資訊等身份驗證過程中產生的個人資訊資料。保護用户隱私是平台的一項基本政策,平台保證不對外公開或向協力廠商提供使用者註冊資料及使用者在使用設備時存儲的非公開內容,但下列情況除外:
六、言論用户承諾發表言論要愛國、守法、自律、真 實、文明,保持友好、文明、尊重他人的態度。不傳輸任何涉及政黨、宗教,非法的、騷擾性的、中傷他人的、辱駡性的、恐嚇性的、傷害性的、庸俗的、淫穢的、危害國家安全的、洩露國家機密的、破壞國家宗教政策和民族團結的以及其它違反法律法規及政策的內容。若使用者的行為不符合以上提到的使用者協議,平台將作出獨立判斷立即刪除相關資訊、取消使用者服務帳號。用户需對自己在網上的行為承擔法律責任。
Green Passport APP所有內容的智慧財產權均由大灣區創益依法擁有,包括但不限於文本、資料、文章、圖片、資訊、平台架構、網頁設計等。未經公司書面同意,任何人不得擅自使用、修改、複製、公開發佈相關內容;如有違反,則需承擔損害賠償等法律責任。
1. 本協定由使用者與大灣區創益共同簽訂,適用於用户在Green Passport平台的一切活動。大灣區創益通過Green Passport平台已發佈的或將來可能發佈的各類規則,都應視為本協議不可分割的一部分,與協議正文條款享有同等法律效力。
3. 大灣區創益對本協議具有最終解釋權。

Green Passport是大湾区创益区块链研究中心有限公司(以下简称“大湾区创益”或“我们”)所推出的产品。依据本协议的规定为您(以下简称“用户”)提供服务。本协议在用户和大湾区创益间具有法律效力。Green Passport通过鼓励用户进行低碳行为,以区块链技术记录机构和个人的绿色行为﹑绿色消费﹑绿色积分及碳资产等。集环保资讯、绿色积分、活动参与、环保社区、绿色商城于一体,从衣食住行游全方位服务用户,宣扬绿色化生活, 达成和推进实现碳达峰及碳中和目标,数字化进行活动宣传、捐款渠道、会员管理等功能。
【审慎阅读】您在申请注册流程中点击同意本协议之前,应当认真阅读本协议。请您务必审慎阅读、充分理解各条款内容,特别是免除或者限制责任的条款、授权条款、法律适用和争议解决条款。免除或者限制责任的条款、授权条款将以粗体标识,您应重点阅读。如您对本协议有任何疑问,可向Green Passport平台的客服咨询。
【签约动作】当您按照注册页面提示填写信息、阅读并同意本协议且完成全部注册程序后,即表示您已充分阅读、理解并接受本协议的全部内容,并与大湾区创益达成一致,同意开通Green Passport以及接受本须知的约定内容並成为Green Passport的注册用户。阅读本协议的过程中,如果您不同意本协议或其中任何条款约定,您应立即停止注册程序。


一、Green Passport平台使用限制说明
1. 用户必须为符合中华人民共和国法律规定的、具有完全民事权利和民事行为能力,能够独立承担民事责任的自然人。若用户违反前述限制注册使用大湾区创益提供的服务,其所获得的碳减排量、积分和奖励等全部无效,Green Passport平台有权无偿收回;由此给平台造成损失或不良影响的,由其监护人承担所有责任。
2. 用户有义务确保其信息的真实性、准确性、完整性和有效性,并承诺对其提供的信息及时进行更新。您可以在Green Passport平台中了解到可以获得积分的途径。请您理解,积分无法转让或继承。若您存在购买或出售积分服务,通过虚假绿色出行、虚假交易等违反诚信的方式获取积分,存在将Green Passport产品或服务用于其他商业用途的不当行为,或经判断有合理理由认定用户信息存在错误、虚假、过时情形的,大湾区创益有权终止用户参与活动的行为或重新核算用户可以获得的碳减排量、积分、奖励等,同时还可能对您采取限制或禁止使用Green Passport全部或部分服务等处理措施;由此给用户造成损失的,大湾区创益不承担任何责任。

为不断丰富您的使用体验,大湾区创益将不时推出定制化服务。您可以自主选择是否使用前述服务,当您使用相应的服务时,请遵循相关服务规则(如:我们可能需要获取您的步数及定位,以便您可兑换活动权益,具体请以相关页面提示为准)。请您理解,前述定制化服务可能是Green Passport与第三方合作向您提供,因此相关功能可能与Green Passport相关功能存在一定差异,具体请您查阅相应的服务规则。此外,针对前述定制化服务的某些功能入口、环保证书与地图等内容可能暂不能在客户端的Green Passport内兼容展示,对此,我们将进行持续完善与更新。
为了更好地向您提供服务,便于您及时了解动态,Green Passport将通过小程序或APP等客户端信息渠道及相关页面向您展示服务信息以及发送通知信息(如:动态提醒、统计信息)。
为了进一步改善用户体验,Green Passport将会持续开发新服务,为用户提供版本升级、功能升级等服务和内容更新,本须知也可能会随之更新,更新内容将于公布之日起生效。若您选择继续使用Green Passport,表示您同意更新后的内容。若您不同意更新后的条款内容,您有权停止使用相关服务;双方协商一致的,也可另行变更相关服务和对应条款内容。如果更新的内容涉及您的主要权利或责任,我们会以公告、客户端通知或短信等方式向您进行提示,您也可以随时在“登录-用户协议”页面查阅本须知的最新版本。

二、Green Passport平台服务内容说明
1.目前大湾区创益主要针对步行和自行车出行场景提供服务,后续将不断开发其他绿色出行场景服务。用户参与活动,须关注“Green Passport”服务号和使用“Green Passport APP。大湾区创益根据用户所参加的活动业务规则以及用户实际的绿色行为,向用户发放绿色积分,用户减排行为首期包括自行车停驶,后期大湾区创益将不断丰富不同的减排及绿色行为。如用户在Green Passport平台发生指定的绿色行为,无需另行申请,即可自动获得减排量、积分和奖励。
2. 此外,您可以在“纪录”及”我的”当中了解积分的项目和详情及低碳行为所产生的碳排放量和纪录。您理解并同意大湾区创益授权的其他主体将您的低碳行为转化为积分,并在Green Passport上进行展示,以便您了解并收取您的积分。同时,您可以邀请您的好友加入Green Passport,共同改善环境。当好友成功注册并参与Green Passport活动的情况下,你和好友将根据一定的比例获得部分额外积分,具体请以相关页面提示为准。
3. 用户参与平台活动,根据所参与活动的规则,获取绿色行为对应的积分及奖励。
5. 大湾区创益拥有对活动规则的单方解释和终止权。

(1) 本平台在公告之系统停机维护期间。
3. 大湾区创益不保证服务一定能满足用户的要求,也不保证服务不会中断,对服务的及时性、安全性、准确性也都不作保证。大湾区创益拒绝提供任何保证,包括信息能否准确、及时、顺利地传送。用户理解并接受下载或通过平台产品服务取得的任何信息资料取决于用户自己,并由其承担系统受损或资料丢失的所有风险和责 任。

4. 大湾区创益对直接、间接、偶然、特殊及继起的损害不负责任。用户的任何行为引起对大湾区创益或第三方的损害,应当依法承担责任并向平台进行赔偿,平台可以自行或协助第三方使用用户供的任何信息进行维权。

用户在参与平台活动时,Green Passport平台可能收集并存储用户所提供的姓名、身份证信息及影像、银行卡信息及影像、设备信息等身份验证过程中产生的个人信息数据。保护用户隐私是平台的一项基本政策,平台保证不对外公开或向第三方提供用户注册资料及用户在使用设备时存储的非公开内容,但下列情况除外:
六、言论用户承诺发表言论要爱国、守法、自律、真 实、文明,保持友好、文明、尊重他人的态度。不传输任何涉及政党、宗教,非法的、骚扰性的、中伤他人的、辱骂性的、恐吓性的、伤害性的、庸俗的、淫秽的、危害国家安全的、泄露国家机密的、破坏国家宗教政策和民族团结的以及其它违反法律法规及政策的内容。若用户的行为不符合以上提到的用户协议,平台将作出独立判断立即删除相关信息、取消用户服务帐号。用户需对自己在网上的行为承担法律责任。
Green Passport APP所有内容的知识产权均由大湾区创益依法拥有,包括但不限于文本、数据、文章、图片、资讯、平台架构、网页设计等。未经公司书面同意,任何人不得擅自使用、修改、复制、公开发布相关内容;如有违反,则需承担损害赔偿等法律责任。
1. 本协议由用户与大湾区创益共同签订,适用于用户在Green Passport平台的一切活动。大湾区创益通过Green Passport平台已发布的或将来可能发布的各类规则,都应视为本协议不可分割的一部分,与协议正文条款享有同等法律效力。
3. 大湾区创益对本协议具有最终解释权。

  Instructions for users of the Greater Bay Area Treelion Blockchain Research Institute Limited

  January 1, 2022 version
  Green Passport is a product launched by the Greater Bay Area Treelion Blockchain Research Institute Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Treelion" or "we"). Provide services to you (hereinafter referred to as "user") in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This agreement has legal effect between the user and the Greater Bay Area Treelion Blockchain Research Institute Limited. Green Passport encourages users to engage in low-carbon behaviors and uses blockchain technology to record the green behavior, green consumption, green points, and carbon assets of institutions and individuals. Integrating environmental protection information, green points, event participation, environmental protection communities, and green shopping malls, it serves users in a full range of food, clothing, housing, transportation, and travel, promotes a green life, achieves and promotes the achievement of carbon peak and carbon neutral goals, and digitally promotes activities , Donation channel, membership management and other functions.
  [Read carefully] Before you click to agree to this agreement in the registration process, you should read this agreement carefully. Please read carefully and fully understand the content of each clause, especially the clauses for exemption or limitation of liability, authorization clauses, applicable laws and dispute resolution clauses. The terms of exemption or limitation of liability and authorization terms will be marked in bold, and you should read them emphatically. If you have any questions about this agreement, you can consult the customer service of the Green Passport platform.
  [Contract action] When you fill in the information, read and agree to this agreement and complete all registration procedures according to the instructions on the registration page, it means that you have fully read, understood and accepted all the content of this agreement, and reached an agreement with Treelion, Agree to open Green Passport and accept the agreed content of this notice and become a registered user of Green Passport. In the process of reading this agreement, if you do not agree to this agreement or any of its terms, you should immediately stop the registration program.

  [Agreement modification] During the implementation of this agreement, Treelion may modify the relevant provisions of the agreement based on actual conditions. Treelion will announce the latest agreement through announcements or user terminals, and users who have signed up do not need to sign again. If the user disagrees with the changes made by Treelion to this agreement, they should stop using the services provided by Treelion; if the user continues to use the service or does not actively terminate the service, it shall be deemed to agree to perform the modified agreement , And shall perform due diligence in accordance with the revised agreement.

  1. Green Passport platform usage restriction instructions
  1. The user must be a natural person that complies with the laws of the People's Republic of China, has full civil rights and capacity for civil conduct, and can independently bear civil liabilities. If the user violates the aforementioned restrictions to register and use the services provided by Treelion, all the carbon emission reductions, points and rewards they obtain are invalid, and the Green Passport platform has the right to withdraw it free of charge; thereby causing losses or adverse effects to the platform , Its guardian shall bear all responsibilities.
  2. Users are obliged to ensure the authenticity, accuracy, completeness and validity of their information, and promise to update the information they provide in a timely manner. You can learn how to earn points in the Green Passport platform. Please understand that points cannot be transferred or inherited. If you buy or sell points services, obtain points through false green travel, false transactions and other methods that violate integrity, use Green Passport products or services for other commercial purposes improperly, or if you judge that there are reasonable grounds for determining user information If there are errors, falsehoods, or outdated situations, Treelion has the right to terminate the user’s participation in activities or recalculate the carbon emission reductions, points, rewards, etc. that users can obtain. At the same time, it may also restrict or prohibit the use of Green All or part of Passport's services and other handling measures; Treelion does not bear any responsibility for losses caused to users.

  The user is obliged to provide effective contact information. If the Treelion fails to provide corresponding services or causes losses to the user due to the user's failure to provide effective contact information, the user shall bear all losses and other legal consequences.

  In order to continuously enrich your experience, Treelion will launch customized services from time to time. You can choose whether to use the aforementioned services. When you use the corresponding services, please follow the relevant service rules (such as: we may need to obtain your step count and positioning so that you can redeem the activity rights. For details, please refer to the relevant page prompts as allow). Please understand that the aforementioned customized services may be provided to you by Green Passport in cooperation with third-party vendors. Therefore, related functions may be different from those of Green Passport. For details, please refer to the corresponding service rules. In addition, certain functional entrances, environmental certificates, maps and other content of the aforementioned customized services may not be compatible for display in the Green Passport on the user side. For this, we will continue to improve and update.
  In order to better provide you with services and facilitate you to keep abreast of trends, Green Passport will display service information and send you notification information (such as dynamic reminders, statistical information) through client information channels such as applets or APPs and related pages.
  In order to further improve the user experience, Green Passport will continue to develop new services to provide users with version upgrades, function upgrades and other services and content updates. This notice may also be updated accordingly, and the updated content will take effect on the date of announcement. If you choose to continue using Green Passport, you agree to the updated content. If you do not agree to the updated terms and conditions, you have the right to stop using the relevant services; if the two parties reach an agreement, the relevant services and corresponding terms and conditions may be changed separately. If the updated content involves your main rights or responsibilities, we will prompt you by means of announcements, client notifications or SMS. You can also check the latest version of this notice on the "Login-User Agreement" page at any time.

  2. Description of Green Passport platform service content
  1. At present, Treelion mainly provides services for walking and bicycle travel scenarios, and will continue to develop other green travel scenarios services in the future. To participate in activities, users must pay attention to the "Green Passport" service account and use the "Green Passport APP. Treelion will issue green points to users based on the business rules of the activities that users participate in and the actual green behaviors of users, and users will be reduced The first phase of the emission behavior includes the suspension of bicycles. In the later stage, Treelion will continue to enrich different emission reduction and green behaviors. If users have designated green behaviors on the Green Passport platform, they can automatically obtain emission reductions, Points and rewards.
  2. In addition, you can learn about the items and details of the points and the carbon emissions and records generated by low-carbon behaviors in "Record" and "My". You understand and agree that other entities authorized by Treelion will convert your low-carbon behavior into points and display them on Green Passport so that you can understand and collect your points. At the same time, you can invite your friends to join Green Passport to improve the environment together. When your friend successfully registers and participates in the Green Passport activity, you and your friend will get some extra points according to a certain percentage. Please refer to the relevant page prompts for details.
  3. Users participate in platform activities and obtain points and rewards corresponding to green behaviors according to the rules of the activities they participate in.
  4. Different activities have different activity cycles, different participation rules, reward acquisition rules and other specific rules. The specific standards are determined according to the actual activities. Each activity has detailed activity rules. Users participate in Green Passport means to approve the rules of the activity and be willing to abide by it.
  5. Treelion has the right to unilaterally interpret and terminate the rules of the event.

  3. Disclaimer and Compensation Statement
  1. The platform will not be liable for damages when the platform is unable to operate normally due to the following conditions, making the user unable to use or unable to use the services normally. This situation includes but is not limited to:
  (1) This platform is during the system shutdown maintenance period announced.
  (2) The telecommunications equipment fails to transmit data normally.
  (3) Due to force majeure factors such as typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, power outages, wars, terrorist attacks, etc., the platform system is obstructed and the business cannot be performed normally.
  (4) Service interruption or delay due to hacker attacks/technical adjustments or malfunctions of the telecommunications sector, website upgrades, banking issues, etc.
  2. The user expressly agrees that the risks associated with the use of the Treelion Services will be entirely borne by them; all consequences arising from their use of the services are also borne by themselves, and the Treelion Services shall not bear any responsibility to the users. responsibility.
  3. Treelion does not guarantee that the service will definitely meet the requirements of users, nor that the service will not be interrupted, nor does it guarantee the timeliness, safety, and accuracy of the service. Treelion refuses to provide any guarantee, including whether the information can be transmitted accurately, timely and smoothly. The user understands and accepts that any information downloaded or obtained through the platform product service depends on the user, and he bears all risks and responsibilities for system damage or data loss.

  4. Treelion is not responsible for direct, indirect, incidental, special and subsequent damages. Any actions of users that cause damages to Treelion or third-party vendors shall be held responsible in accordance with the law and compensate the platform. The platform can use any information provided by the user to defend rights by itself or assist third-party vendors.

  Five, user privacy protection instructions
  When a user participates in platform activities, the Green Passport platform may collect and store personal information generated during the identity verification process such as the name, ID information and image, bank card information and image, and device information provided by the user. Protecting user privacy is a basic policy of the platform. The platform guarantees that it will not disclose or provide third parties with user registration data and non-public content stored by users when using the device, except in the following cases:
  (1) Obtain explicit authorization from the user in advance;
  (2) Follow the service program;
  (3) According to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations;
  (4) In accordance with the requirements of relevant government authorities;
  (5) To safeguard the interests of the public;
  (6) To maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the platform;
  (7) The platform cooperates with a third-party vendor to provide users with related services. In this case, if the third-party vendor agrees to assume the same responsibility as the platform to protect user privacy, the platform has the right to provide the user’s registration information to The third party;
  (8) Under the premise of not revealing the private information of a single user, the platform has the right to analyze the entire user database and utilize the user database after data desensitization.
  6. Speech Users promise to be patriotic, law-abiding, self-disciplined, truthful, civilized, and maintain a friendly, civilized, and respectful attitude in their speech. Do not transmit anything that involves political parties, religions, illegal, harassing, slanderous, abusive, intimidating, harmful, vulgar, obscene, endangering national security, leaking state secrets, or destroying the country Religious policies and ethnic unity, and other content that violates laws, regulations and policies. If the user's behavior does not comply with the above-mentioned user agreement, the platform will make an independent judgment to immediately delete the relevant information and cancel the user's service account. Users need to bear legal responsibility for their actions on the Internet.
  Seven, the protection of intellectual property rights
  The intellectual property rights of all content of the Green Passport APP are owned by Treelion according to law, including but not limited to text, information, articles, pictures, information, platform architecture, web design, etc. Without the written consent of the company, no one is allowed to use, modify, copy, or publicly release the relevant content; if there is a violation, it shall be liable for damages and other legal liabilities.
  8. Application of law and dispute resolution
  1. This agreement is jointly signed by the user and Treelion, and applies to all activities of the user on the Green Passport platform. The various rules that have been issued or that may be issued by Treelion through the Green Passport platform in the future shall be regarded as an integral part of this agreement, and shall have the same legal effect as the terms of the main body of the agreement.
  2. Any clause in this agreement is completely or partially invalid or unenforceable for whatever reason, the remaining clauses shall still be valid and binding.
  3. Treelion reserves the final right to interpret this agreement.
  4. The place where this agreement is signed is Shenzhen, the People's Republic of China. All disputes and disputes between users and Treelion caused by this agreement are unanimously agreed, regardless of the amount in dispute, to be submitted to the Shenzhen Arbitration Commission for arbitration under the simplified procedures under the Beijing Arbitration Commission arbitration rules. The arbitration award is final and binding on both parties.